Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Monday, June 9, 2008

Your Friday Afternoon Video #26: Numbnut

This kid won the 2008 national spelling bee.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Can it really be June?

Dining room of the Gamble House.

I'm back. Is half the year almost over? It's early evening, Saturday. I love that it's still light out. It was a beautiful day in Eagle Rock. Clear and warm. Not too hot. We went on a tour of the Gamble House in Pasadena. It was awesome. I loved it. It's now on my list of things to recommend to out-of-towners. We toured Frank Lloyd Wright's Hollyhock House a while back, but I liked this better. Both the house and the tour. I highly recommend.

Seems most pictures of Nadal are of him looking like this.

I'm so psyched about the Federer - Nadal final tomorrow. I hope it goes 5 sets. I don't really care who wins, I just want a good and close match. And a lot of fist pumping. I'll feel sorta bad for Federer if he loses. He's had a tough year (for him) and I don't know how long he'll stay at the top of his game.

I was thinking today about the first presidential election that I remember. It was 1984 and I was in 4th grade. One of my assignments that year was to distinguish between advertisements and endorsements. I had to go through the newpaper and cut out examples of each. I got some Mondale - Ferraro campaign stickers that year. Two pages of round stickers. I was a sticker collector back then and I think I got them by trading some scratch and sniffs to a friend.