Thursday, December 1, 2005

Happy December

Cannot believe it is already December. The months, nay years, are flying by now. A sure sign that I am feeling old(er). Remember when you were little and time would just drag? Like when you were still in school and June couldn't come fast enough.

Today also happens to be World Aids Day.


Anonymous said...

Yes!! Feeling old(er) here too... as I'm re-re-watching Sixteen Candles (remember Molly R??) on the tube. What's a wife to do when hubby's working late.

chanchow said...

Hey CSP: I know what you mean. I can't sit thru the Breakfast Club without thinking about my life, circa 1985. Lately I've been watching new TV shows on DVD (Lost, the Office, the OC). It passes the time without making me feel nostalgic...